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4 - The square root

The square root is the inverse operation to a power with exponent 2.

√81 = 9, because 92 = 81


The terms of the square root √a = b are the radicand a, and the root b

There are several types of square roots:

1. Exact square root. An exact square root has the remainder 0.

√Radicand  = (Exact root)2

√36 = 6 36 = 62

The result of an exact square root is a perfect square. The numbers that have exact square roots are 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49, 64, 81, 100, 121, 144, 169, ...

2. Not exact square root. If a number is not a perfect square, the square root is no exact, so there is a remainder.

√Radicand  = (Root)2 + Remainder

√23 = 42 + 7


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