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Loop control statements break and continue

To control loops two statements break and continue are used. They extend the capabilities of loop application and improve the structure of the program.

break - performs stoppage of loop execution; the control is passed to the statement following the loop.

continue- performs completion of execution of the next step of the loop before the end of the loop will be reached. Loop step takes the following value.

Statement break is written in the loop body, i.e. the structure of the loop body will be as follows:



if (condition) break;


Example 27. Given n integers. Find their product. If the number is 0, then the exit from the program is executed, using break command.


{int i, n, x, P=1;

cin>>n; //quantity of numbers

for (i=1; i<=n; i++)

{ cin>>x; // enter of numbers

if (x==0) break;




Example 28. Given n integers. Display the index of the first number, which is exactly divisible by 5.


{int i, n, x;


for (i=1; i<=n; i++)

{ cin>>x;

if (x%5==0) break;}

cout<<”index of the first number, which is divisible by 5=”<<i;


When using statement continue, the loop body will have the following structure:



if (condition) continue;


Consider the examples of use of statement Continue.

Example29. Calculate the sum and quantity of positive numbers.


{int i, n, x, k, S;



for (i=1; i<=n; i++)

{ cin>>x;

if (x<0) continue;

S+=x; k++; }



Example 30. Find the arithmetic average of even numbers.

{int i, n, x, S=0, k=0;


for (i=1; i<=n; i++)

{ cin>>x;

if (x%2==1) continue;

S+=x; k++; }

cout<<”Arithmetic average”<<S/k;



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