Details for unit 1196

Title:Sakeleko telefonoen denda
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Summary:altzaileak lan zaila dauka, bezeroak ez baitaki sakelako telefonoek zer erabilera dituzten.
Language notes:Simple everyday language employed when requesting and providing service. Technical jargon employed by the salesperson. Language required to temper the customer's impatience and inability to concentrate. The characters employ the present tense almost exclusively. There are examples of affirmations and questions. Two of the characters are native Basque speakers and two are students of the language; there are noticeable differences in their pronunciation.
CEFR level:A2 (15)
Word count:258
Media:video ( 2:29)
Created:2013-07-15 05:12:33 UT
Changed:2013-07-15 05:12:57 UT
Licence: Creative Commons BY-SA
Clicks on words:0 (since 2014-03-18) - List of clicked words

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