Details for unit 197

Title:Jul i Danmark
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Summary:A Danish family celebrates yule (Christmas). We follow the preparations for the yuletide and meet Danish traditions and links to history. The home has been decorated for Christmas with "nisser" (pixies or gnomes), the family decorates the Christmas tree on December 23rd we also meet the family on Christmas Eve, which is the main Christmas event in Denmark. After the Christmas Eve the family and friends celebrate Christmas with lunches on the first two days of Christmas.
Language notes:
CEFR level:A2 (13)
Word count:794
Media:video ( 8:55)
Created:2012-01-26 09:39:13 UT
Changed:2014-04-19 11:52:42 UT
Licence: Creative Commons BY-SA
Clicks on words:177 (since 2014-03-18) - List of clicked words

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