Details for unit 702

Title:Agallamh: Dòmhnall MacFhionghuin
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Summary:Care for adults with special needs. Donald is a client at Craigard Day Centre. Here he talks about his activities at Craigard. He also talks about the pictures he’s exhibiting at the Taigh Chearsabhagh art centre. He goes on to say what else he does during the week, mentioning the names (NAAFI, Lovats) of another workplace, and his musical activities at the weekend.
Language notes:
CEFR level:B1 (25)
Word count:244
Media:video ( 1:33)
Created:2012-09-10 22:00:00 UT
Changed:2013-04-18 21:38:37 UT
Licence: Creative Commons BY-SA
Clicks on words:169 (since 2014-03-18) - List of clicked words

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