Details for unit 728

Title:Agallamh: Aonghas Dòmhnallach
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Summary:Lazybed construction. Angus Macdonald talks about the construction and the use of lazybeds. He also mentions the traditional “foot plough” tool that was used to build them.
Language notes:Unscripted authentic speech at natural pace, exhibiting characteristic "performance errors" - false starts, pauses, repetitions, etc – relating uses and usages.
CEFR level:B1 (29)
Word count:395
Media:video ( 2:23)
Created:2012-09-10 22:00:00 UT
Changed:2013-04-19 09:08:16 UT
Licence: Creative Commons BY-SA
Clicks on words:74 (since 2014-03-18) - List of clicked words

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