Details for unit 927

Title:مـتـطـوعـون في القاهرة
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Summary:In Egypt the Arab spring in 2011 led to many demonstrations and revolts in the streets. After the fall of president Mubarak, Cairo experienced a relative calm for some time, and during that period a group of young Egyptians decided to volonteer for cleaning up their city.
Language notes:A-level exam in Arabic, January 2012, Danish high school (STX)
CEFR level:B1 (25)
Word count:199
Media:audio ( 2:33)
Created:2013-01-18 14:47:56 UT
Changed:2013-04-25 09:28:06 UT
Licence: Creative Commons BY-SA
Clicks on words:20 (since 2014-03-18) - List of clicked words

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