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Manual Handling Operations - Part Two

What should be the first consideration when you are about to lift a load on your own?
A: Assess whether it is safe to lift it on your own
B: Ensure you wear appropriate PPE
C: Wear gloves and grip properly
D: Ensure you lift with a bent back

Which of the following would NOT make a load easier to handle manually?
A: Painting it a bright colour
B: Securing the load so that it does not shift unexpectedly
C: Reducing its weight
D: Providing suitable handles or hand grips

If there is a risk of injury from moving loads what should you think about?
A: Advising your supervisor
B: Carrying it anyway
C: Dragging it all the way
D: Getting someone to assist you over the distance

As an approximate guide the manual handling capacity of a two person team is:
A: The sum of their individual capacities
B: The capacity of the strongest individual
C: The capacity of the weakest individual
D: Two thirds the sum of their individual capacities

What does ‘Kinetic lifting’ mean?
A: Using a crane or some other mechanical means
B: Using a forklift truck or pallet truck
C: Lifting in the most safe and effective way
D: Getting a friend to help you with the load

What should you do first before lifting or moving a load?
A: Put on gloves
B: Assess the weight
C: Keep a straight back
D: Bend your knees

Before picking up a load, you should:
A: Bend your knees
B: Choose a pair of gloves
C: Ask a work mate to help you
D: Assess the risks

When picking up an object, you should:
A: Bend your arms
B: Bend your back
C: Wear a back brace
D: Bend your knees

When judging ìindividual capabilityî for manual handling, you should assume:
A: All women are equally capable
B: Young men are weak
C: All people are different
D: All men are equally capable

When an article has to be moved for a long distance, you should:
A: Use a barrow or trolley
B: Get someone else to do it for you
C: Drag it all the way
D: Carry it all the way

Which is the correct way to lift a load?
A: Squat near load, bend back and use leg muscles
B: Squat near to the load, keeping the back as straight as possible and using leg muscles
C: Keep feet apart and bend back
D: Keep feet together and bend back

Which would you consider to be generally correct when lifting a load?
A: Larger loads should be split into smaller loads if possible
B: Keep the load away from the body
C: When lifting you should bend your back
D: The feet should be together and the load lifted at armís length

If a load has an uneven centre of gravity, how should you lift it?
A: Keep the heaviest side of the load away from you
B: Keep the heaviest side of the load on the strongest arm
C: Keep the heaviest side of the load towards you
D: Keep the heaviest side of the load on the weakest arm

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