This is a Clilstore unit. You can link all words to dictionaries.

5th Session: Vocabulary of the tsunamis

 Lesson 2: Internal forces of the Earth: earthquakes and volcanoes.

 5th session: Tsunamis.

2. Vocabulary

Copy in your notebook the next vocabulary of tsunamis.

You have 10 minutes for making this activity.


Vocabulary of Tsunamis

  1. Wave: ola, onda
  2. Trigger: iniciar
  3. Landslides: derrumbamientos
  4. Tide: marea
  5. Crust: corteza
  6. Shore: orilla
  7. Shallow: superficial
  8. Warning: aviso
  9. Ring: anillo
  10. To bulge: abultar
  11. Flatten: aplanar
  12. To make Landfall: llegar a tierra


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