This is a Clilstore unit. You can link all words to dictionaries.

6th Session. Scaffolding activities. Use of the future tense.

Lesson 2: Internal forces of the Earth: Earthquakes and volcanoes.

6th Session. Scaffolding activities

6. Preparing the finals texts of the lesson.

Now It's time to prepare final tests of the lesson

The assessment of the 9th session will have two parts

1st test will be questions that you answered about the videos in session 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th.You have the answers in your notebook.

2nd test will consist in two writings.

One of them will be descriptive or comparative.

The other one will be predictive. The title of the writing will be "A tsunami in Alicante!" (50 - 75 words)

Predictive texts are similar as descriptive, but you must change the verbal tense.

Some characteristics of predictive texts.

For using the future tense, you must use

will + verb in infinitive 

ex: the wave will arrive until San Vicente del Raspeig

ex: the wave will destroy all the buildings of the city center.

ex I will survive because I will...


Click the link vocabulary for remembering the vocabulary of tsunamis



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