Details for unit 5834

Title:Taith drwy’r Aeleg
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Summary:The Scottish Island Voices Project (Guthan nan Eilean) visits Ireland. This version of the documentary has a Welsh commentary. You can also hear some Irish and Scottish Gaelic conversation, subtitled with a Welsh translation.
Language notes:The spoken Welsh consists of documentary narrative. The written Welsh subtitles are translations of natural speech in Irish or Scottish Gaelic for the most part, plus some poetic verse.
CEFR level:B2 (35)
Word count:1168
Media:video (10:00)
Created:2017-06-30 11:02:55 UT
Changed:2017-07-01 11:02:21 UT
Licence: Creative Commons BY-SA
Clicks on words:58 - List of clicked words

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